»On Emperors order,
the Pope will
purge the centuries« Leo
Vercelli 998 to Gregory V.
Not a single date of the Greek and Roman
Antiquity can
be confirmed with independent methods! - Or should you know one?
What? |
intermixes different year-counts! |
Why? |
Cl. Ptolemy mistakenly had
antedated his observations by 299 years
In fact, an ever increasing number of contradictions between datable
events and traditional chronology was found over the centuries. Today,
a multitude of conjectures has to support historiography. The latter
remained unaffected, because the critics were not able to offer
acceptable explanations for all the incongruities.
Now, there
is rock-solid evidence (see below). So
things change. Strange records
begin to make sense!
Possibly, the disorder of our history has
started with
the keen
decision of a single person. [more...]
and more scientists are
realizing the untenability of a paradigm implying that
- Claudius
Ptolemy had forged the longitudes within the Almagest by
- Earth's
temperature followed the increase of CO2 with a delay of 1200
- Empress
Egditha had
been nourished mainly on fish...
was it possible to spoil Chronology?
the Greek
astronomer Hipparchos
measured, the bright Star Spica
had moved
some 2° since the observations of his predecessor Timocharis - about
200 years ago, due to Hipparchos. This span was too big - by
an Exeligmos
54 years. However, referring to solar and lunar
eclipses, Hipparchos could not discover his mistake...
Eventually, Claudius
Ptolemy adopted the error¹.
In addition, he had no knowledge of the equinoctial migration. After
all, he presumed Hipparchos, likewise, had made his
at Alexandria. Altogether, Ptolemy's misapprehensions reduced the
virtual span since Hipparchos' measurements by 299 years.
a set of well recorded astronomical events, unique within history,
allows to correct the displacement of Ptolemy. Various prior
attemps had failed, to join events dated with Ptolemy's model
unambiguously with other periodical references. Instead, chronists were
blamed for neglectfulness. Ptolemy was accused to be a plagiator.

was the break within chronology communicated?
legendary recovery of the 7 Sleepers from Ephesos,
undisputably the 'Greatest Wonder of God', may have been an attempt to
accept the missing times.
(† ~120 BC)

(† 929 CE)

Silvester II.
(† 1003 CE)
were these protagonists? What was their motivation? How could they do
What were the consequences?
- amended!
brief summary without physics and math:
- The half-time
of 14C can be determined
quite accurately in the lab.
- To
use the
decay for dating, atmospheric variations
time must be known.
- IntCal
-calibration juxtaposes 14C
measurements and dendrochronological age.
- Base for the
radiocarbon age '0' is the
1950 ('presence').
- This base is
defined indirectly referring
to the age 130 before present <> 1820
- However,
analysis of Sequoia data over two millennia results in 64 BP
<> 1886 CE.
- Correlations
measured by L.-A. Larsson show a hiatus against Roman wood samples (328
<?> 546 CE).
- The 'well-known' age of
Roman samples has
led to the assumption of a lower 14C level over antiquity.
- This implicit
recalibration adds some 300
years to the measuered radiocarbon age value.
- As
a consequence, the slope of the 'Dendro-age' for antiquity will be
reduced by 15%.
- A comparison against
the Sulphate of
Ice-cores confirms a deviation of 15% -290 years.
With a
correction of base-year and hiatus, IntCal data will
adequate radiocarbon age values.
[more in the
solar eclipse reports disprove
traditional Chronology:
If the
CE-date calculated traditionally for a solar eclipse record
correct, a deviating coverage (or the
location) reported
must necessarily be inaccurate. A specified location on Earth will
see totality or annularity typically only once within 140 years. For
an accidental match within a span of 295-305 years after the
traditional date, the chance will be 1 : 14.
300 years minus 46 days after
correctly calculated date another
eclipse may occur. If it shows the coverage mentioned in the report,
could only happen by sheer coincidence.
if the coverage and location of a solar eclipse were reported
accurately, then the retro-calculated CE-date
cannot be correct, when astronomical computations yield a
significantly deviating coverage value.
If the CE-dates were determined correctly, this would imply that most
eye-witness reports of total solar eclipses did not survive until our
times. Unlikely that these awesome events were not recorded. Unlikely
that just those records were lost – in contrast to many 'obviously
incorrect' reports on explicitly total eclipses, where, accidentally,
the totality zone overlapped with the real path of a total solar
eclipse 300 years later!
The probability for more than
60 such
events is close to zero.
chronology and astronomical retro-calculation stand in conflict: They
mutually exclude each other!
about the irregular
incorruptible jewish year-count
Today we live in the
year 5771
of the Jewish World Era.
This is equivalent to our year 2011 CE. The year 1 JWE,
therefore, corresponds to our year 3761 BCE. Rabbi
Hillel, the originator of the jewish calendar, wrote his texts around
4116 JWE, what complies with the year 359 CE and matches with
the records of history.
The year numbers given by Hillel and the dates of jewish
tradition referring to these, must therefore be correct! [mehr...] 
enforced Millennium – no way to ignore Charlemagne!
Early in the year 1000 CE
the Emperor
III. visited Aachen. There he uncovered the relics of his ancester
Càrolus, who had passed away 186 years before. Otto removed the
burial objects and extracted a tooth from the skull. He replaced the
missing nose of the dead by a gold sheet, before he left the crypt.
What was the intention behind this ghoulish spectacle? It did generate
'evidence' for the newly set year-count scheme!
letter written by
Leo of Vercelli
caesaris potentia purgat
secula« 'On the Emperor's order, the Pope will purge the
centuries'. Here we have the written
evidence for the clandestine reform of the year-count, laid down by the
of the early middle-ages
the duplicate year-count be identified within the traditional sequence
of the roman popes? Were these doubled, too? The records about these
early leaders of the Church are rather poor...
and written records
Observations again confirm
the thesis of the
manipulated medieval chronology, giving hints about possible
motivations and procedures. Gave the wish to predominate over
non-trinitarian creeds the impulse to the rulers at Byzantium to
duplicate Constantine / Heracleios and their
followers? As a
reaction, occidental gouvernment matched the own records, adjusting so
to the eastern shift. [mehr...]
Data from the Gospel
standig still above Bethlehem, directing three kings? This sounds more
than unlikely! However, many people have given thoughts to the idea
that a special planet constellation has been meant or a comet. Seeking
in the wrong century, they missed the real event...

Chronology and natural sciences
Does the hypothesis of
nearly three
deliberately inserted centuries really explain all observations, or are
the interrelations even more complex? Indeed: Some retrocalculated
events do match conventional chronology. However, all findings can now
be combined within a conclusive theory, and allow for the first time to
determine the accurate date of the devastating eruption of the Thera
volcano. [mehr...]

Occident's Chronology – What
are the clues from
reproducible data?
critical survey of independent time-series
confirms the impression of a three centuries offset within occidental
history. Originally, as it appears, the deviation of history has been
confined to the Roman empire. The following 'infection' of other
peoples was the consequence of inappropriate synchronisation. A careful
analysis of radiocarbon and dendrochronology data reinforces this

Warming and Chronology
Coherrent models, reaching
back into a
past, are required to understand the various influences on Earth's
temperature. About a delusive paradigm triggering quarrel among
scientists and a pseudo-correlation between temperature and

Revelation of John“ by
A. Morosow
In this book,
published in 1907, N. Morosov
presented evidence that the Book of Revelation accurately describes the
virtually unique astronomical situation on the eve of September 30th
within the year 395. [mehr...]

of Aurillac
– † 12.Mai 1003
of Aurillac (pope Silvester II.) was
the most prominent scientist of his times. He teached a generation of
rulers, scientists and clergymen. Most likely, he was the mastermind
behind the re-adjustment of year-numbering. [mehr...]
disbelieved in the year count he used!
Merseburg's (Freudian) slip here with his twofold
correction allows no other conclusion!
[First line of the 7th book of The History of the Diocese
Merseburg - fol.
142r, written about 1017]