Originator |
Actions | Results |
Consequences |
Hipparchos | - 2° Earth's precession since Timocharis →1°/cy? → Kallippos 54yrs earlier → Birth and dead of Alexander the.Gr.-54yrs | - Epochs referring to Alexander -54 years: *Alexander 356 BC †Alexander 323 BC but 178.†Alx → 310bc Callippos Epoch 330 BC Seleucid Epoch 311BC 178.†Alx =356bc+24+19j) | - Lore now ambiguous, depending on the epoch. - Christianity is older Hiereia -> Chalzedon Clones (e.g.): - Theophil -> Justinian - Trebonian -> Tribonian - Heraklios -> Konstantin Constantin t.Gr. appears real - Constantines donation favours Roman Church |
al Battani | - Aolar eclipse 901ce. Although Battani had
| - al Battani's observations were reliable and in Harmony with the famous Predecessors. Earth's Precession since Hipparchus was some 13° 1214 †Alexander was plausible. The chronicle of Edessa had the birth of Christ dated to the year 307 SE. | - The Masorites Tanach of Ben Ascher refers to to the astronomers; antedating the deliveries of the AT by 34 Sabbatical years (301j) - This contradiction is not acceptable for the Catholic Church |
Silvester II. († 1003 uZ.) | Inakzeptable contradiction with respect to chronology of the Church vs. Byzantium, Arabs, Jews -> Leo of Vercelli 998: 'papa purgat saecula' - Adjustment to secured cognition of Astronomers - linkage to the Roman tradition | - Name 'Silvester II.': Silvester I. → Konstantin - Millennium + Secularyear - Lunar cycle → '19j cycle' - 304yrs without tradition? - Phokas: compensates Indiction - Liber Pontificalis: SE+ce - Empress Helena =Agrippina -> Christian at Rome | - Alexander's SE → AD - Traditions cannot be separated with respect to AD|CE epoch: - 1.-6. century AD -> 4.-9. cy. CE. - The Clon Constantine becomes the son of a real Empress - The historicity of Jesus is now no longer verifiable! - Pope Silvester dies in Desperation |